Congratulations and welcome to Websoftex Microfinance Banking the finest
and customized software tool for managing your Co-operative Society of any type.
Easy Banking is a powerful GUI based application designed to take care of all aspects
of your societies business with utmost care. The highlight of this software is in
its comprehensiveness and the simplicity with which it handles
- Can run on various platform Viz. Windows 7x / Windows XP/ Server2010
- Multi-user .on windows network.
- Extremly Functional and user friendly with user drivers operation.
- Attractive and well said reports format.
- Report export facility to various useful formats such as Ms Word. Ms excels. Customized
and user defined reports.
- Ace reports can be viewed on the screen and can be printed on printer.
- Created by a team of highly experience programmers using the latest software tools
with domain knowledge of highly experienced banking professionals and with a feed
back of over 25 Co-operative Societies.
- Optimized for best performance on Pentium Pc's Reduces cumbersome and routine work
Minimizes errors
Better Control
Multi user version
Total satisfaction of customers
- Detailed software package drawn up after through study of requirements. Functional
and User friendly menus with password protection.
- Provides for multi-level organizational structure wherein different users will have
different access levels.
- State-of-the-art- product, which can be customized as per requirements of the society.
Carries a warranty of six months from the date of installation. Training of your
staff in the usage of the software package. Already installed successful in many
Co-operative Societies.
- Kannada version of software can also be provided. Drilldown facility.
- Customisable reports.
- Cost of Funds & yield on advances.
- Asset, liability & Indirect details of each member.
- Get account informations; pass sheet, member detail, photo & signature on touch
of a button Bank reconciliation.
- Easy Banking has been developed to provide the following important features:
- Modular design with proper integration to ensure trouble-free operations without
undue complications.
- Optimum security of operations which is very essential for financial transactions
- Comprehensiveness in coverage - a feature absolutely necessary to meet all requirements
- User-friendliness which ensures hassle free usage
- High flexibility with expandability and upgradability. The software can be used
by all societies and can be easily upgraded/expanded to cover more activities whenever
- The software is capable of handling huge volumes of transactions without any difficulty.
- State of the art technology has been used.
- Control over operations with in-built checks and balances, authorization procedures,
- Elimination of scope for tampering of data
- The system is designed to work for network environment to access the information
& update the data by different users simultaneously
Each module has been designed to cover a wide range of activities. Apart from comprehensive
master details each module covers all transactions chronologically and systematically.
A bird's eye view of the coverage of the modules is presented below.
- Membership Management : -
Enables customer to enroll as Member, Non-Member, Associate Member and Nominal Member
and it consists of Enrollment, member assets
and liability details :
- Member Profiles Queries(Share,Deposits,Loans
of the member).
- Photos & signatures of members are stores in
data base are accessible when ever required
- Closing of Membership.
- Member Address lists
- Reports.
- Share Accounting : -
It enables issue of shares, withdrawal of shares, dividend calculation and posting,
consolidate dividend report and share register, any time.
- Issuing of shares.
- Issuing of additional shares.
- Dividend calculation and payment.
- Withdrawal of shares.
- Share Register.
- Reports.
- Operational Accounts : -
It consists of SB
- Account opening.
- Transactions (credit/Withdrawal by cash).
- Transfers (transfer to/from S.B. Accounts).
- Transaction maintenance taking care of minimum
balance in account.
- Interest calculation & posting.
- Schedule.
- Execution of standing instructions.
- Photo & Signature of the member available and
accessible at the time of each withdrawal transaction for verification.
- Pass sheet printing.
- Account closing.
- Reports.
- Term Deposits : -
Consists of FD, RD, RICC, Cash Certificate, Pigmy and Thrifts deposits
- Account opening.
- Deposit Receipt printing.
- Interest calculation and posting.
- Closing before maturity (Pre Closure).
- Closing on maturity.
- Transfer of Term Deposit Interest to SB,RD.
- Deposits Renewals.
- Reports.
- Deposit Maturity Report.
- Interest Provisions.
- Loans and Advances : -
Consists of Surety Loan (Unsecured), Crop Loan, Vehicle Loan, Gold Loan, Loan Against
Deposit (like, FD, RICC / CC) Loan Ledgers &
various types of reports.
- Loan sanctioning.
- Loan disbursement.
- Creation Loan Parameters by user.
- Borrower and Surety Details.
- Interest calculation and posting as per the
loan schemes.
- Interest Provisions for annual financial year.
- Transfer entries from SB, Shares and Dividend
are possible.
- Loan repayment.
- Loan Charges posting.
- Loan closure.
- Penalty Interest.
- Loan Ledger view.
- Loan Schedule for Different Amount, ROI, Periods.
- Reports.
- Loan Balance pass sheet.
- Monthly Demand collection Balance report.
- Overdue report.
- NPA report.
- Standing Instructions : -
Carrying out of Standing Instruction on day-to-day basis and monitoring of Standing
Instruction, cancellation, etc.
- Define Standing Instruction.
- Processing and posting.
- Status of Standing Instruction.
- Reports.
- Cash Transaction : -
Internally updating daybook entries like Receipts, Payments, and Transfers between
accounts can be updated internally through the respective modules, direct vocher
entries to the G/L are possible
- Receipts and Payments.
- Cashier Scroll.
- Cash Register.
- Bank reconciliation.
- Dav book and Trial Balance : -
It includes subsidiary daybook; cash transfer in respect of each account head with
abstract no. of vouchers
- Day Book.
- Trial Balance.
- Subsidiary day book.
- General Ledger & Financial Statements :-
Contains summary of transaction in each head of account for a given period and it
always tallies with Balance Sheet figures
- Pass sheet printing.
- General Ledger.
- Receipt and Payment account.
- Profit and Loss account.
- Balance Sheet.
- M.I.S : -
Enables management to take quicker and effective online decisions.
- New Members enrolled.
- Memberships closed.
- New Shares issued.
- Shares surrendered.
- List of Members and Associate Members.
- Dividend released.
- Member/Non-Member profile.
- Savings Bank Accounts opened.
- Savings Bank Accounts closed.
- Savings Bank Accounts list with details.
- Account-wise interest paid on Savings Bank Deposits.
- Term Deposits (FD,RD, Cash certificates) opened
and closed.
- Interest paid on Term Deposits.
- Term Deposits due for maturity during any specified
- RD Accounts with installment overdue.
- Term Deposits renewed.
- Loan Accounts opened.
- Loan Accounts closed.
- Interest collected on Loan Accounts.
- Loan Installment overdue.
- Balance Sheet.
- Income and Expenditure.
- Indirect liability of a member.
- Cost of funds.
- Yield on advances.
- Customizable Reports.
- Drill down facility.
- Assets and liability of a member.
- System Administration: -
Administration of entire computerized environment includes User Management. Password
Management, Day-End, Day-Begin and back-up activities.
- User creation.
- Roll creation.
- Day-End.
- Day - Begin.
- Back- up & restore.
- Change of Password.
- Initialization and configuration : -
Initialization of various parameters
- Calendar.
- Define GL Account.
- Define GL Group.
- Share parameter.
- Loan parameter.
- Deposit slab and parameter.
- System steady at your place for identifying your requirements.
- We offer our comments/ suggestions on finding of our study by documenting the same
and submit for your approval.
- Correct and complete data as on a mutually determined cut off date shall be prepared
by the society as per formats given by us and entered to computer. This data is
migrated to data base.
- Installation at your premises when customization and testing of software is complete.
There after live entries shall be carried out, simultaneously training the staff
in using the software. Easy Banking is a totally menu driven software with windows
standard pull down style operation. The menu consists of main items arranged vertically
in alphabetical order. You can access these items by clicking over flat button once
you click on any one of the main item, a sub menu drops under it for further selection.
A -> symbol on the edge on any item on the sub menu indicates that there exists
yet another sub menu under this item for further selection.
Reports can be generated in: ENGLISH.
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